Luis Ariel Valbuena Reyes

B.Sc. in Mechatronics Engineering (UNAL)

M.S. in Mechanical Engineering (UDEL)

M.S. in Applied Mathematics (UNM)

Ph.D. Electrical Engineering (UNM)


Flocking, formation control, and path following
Real time Device
Heterogeneous robots falling into splay-state
My self-balancing robot
Overhauling a quadcopter to have better altitude readings
Parallel Robot IsoGlideUN
Splay-state for dynamic model
Probabilistic Robot and Drivers
Robot navigating a cluttered environment
Serial manipulators
Solar panel cleaning machine concept
Side Projects
3D printing


I did a P.hD at the University of New Mexico. I conducted research on reachability analysis to formulate predictive models to assess how Extreme Electromagnetic Interference (EEMI) alters software execution in a computing system. My experience also involves multiagent coordination with ground and aerial robots.

My education in USA is composed of a MS in Mechanical Engineering (UDEL), MS in Mathematics (UNM), and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering (UNM). I did my bachelors in mechatronics engineering at National University of Colombia.


Robotics Papers

  • Luis Valbuena and Herbert G. Tanner. Flocking, Formation Control and Path Following for a Group of Nonholonomic Robots. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. 23. 1-1. 10.1109/TCST.2014.2363132 (November 2014).
  • Luis Valbuena, Patricio Cruz, Rafael Figueroa, Francesco Sorrentino and Rafael Fierro. Stable Formation of Groups of Robots via Synchronization. International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. 10.1109/IROS.2014.6942587 (September 2014).
  • Varsha Bhambhani, Luis Valbuena, and Herbert G. Tanner. Spatially distributed cellular neural networks. International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics. 4(4):465-486 (November 2011) (2011 outstanding paper award).
  • Luis Valbuena and Herbert G. Tanner. Hybrid potential field based control of differential drive mobile robots. Journal of Intelligent Robotic Systems. 68:307-322 (June 2012).
  • Karydis, K.; Valbuena, L.; Tanner, H.G., "Model predictive navigation for position and orientation control of nonholonomic vehicles," Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2012 IEEE International Conference on , vol., no., pp.3206,3211, 14-18 May 2012 doi: 10.1109/ICRA.2012.6225202
  • Luis Valbuena. Splay state behavior on a group of quadrotors (Accepted-unpublished)

EEMI and Reachability papers

  • L. Valbuena, G. Heileman, S. Hemmady, and E. Schamiloglu. A Hamilton-Jacobi Equation for Evaluating EEMI Propagation in a Computing System. In International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, September 2019.
  • L. Valbuena, G. Heileman, S. Hemmady, and E. Schamiloglu. Simplified Flip-Flop Gate Model for EEMI Injection. In International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, September 2019.
  • Valbuena, Luis & L. Heileman, Gregory & Hemmady, Sameer & Schamiloglu, Edl. (2018). Predicting deviations in software execution paths due to EMI injection via reachable sets and random delays. 578-581. 10.1109/ICEAA.2018.8520450.
  • L. Valbuena, G. Heileman, S. Hemmady, and E. Schamiloglu. A testbed for simulating electromagnetic effects on software execution. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Circuits and Systems (ICCS), pages 26–31, Dec 2017.

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